Revolution magazine issue #102 teaser

Revolution magazine issue #102 will feature Mat Masz interview and Sunny interview.
just wait for it.
Revolution magazine issue #102 will feature Mat Masz interview and Sunny interview.
just wait for it.
Wheel Love are organising a launch party together with Pink Tattoos
next Saturday. Highlights include a blade and skateboard grindbox jam
competition, 28% discount on all Wheel Love t-shirts & 28% off
tattoos at Pink Tattoos.
The grindbox session will be a free-for-all starting at 2pm.
Bladers and boarders turun padang in one go – no time limits, no runs,
no turns, 1 Malaysia like the way Najib wishes for the rest of the
Prizes are modest, RM100 Wheel Love cash voucher
for the best blader and boarder of the day to be spent at Wheel Love
Skateshop. Come for the fun, we ain’t got crazy mad prizes, but we
promise it’ll be a good day out.
WHERE: 28, SS15/4, 47500 Subang Jaya (HERE is the map)
WHEN: 2pm-4pm (but you can come earlier to chillax)
Call Sukeats at 012 296 1121 if you need more details.
EDIT: Note that they are bringing the time forward to 2pm. Takut of the r-a-i-n.
AKSI STUNT & KREATIF BASIKAL, MELAKA 2009 result (by Rizal Barakbah)
Keputusan penuh –
1. Mohd Hezlan Bin Abd Ghafar 86.38 – Dari Ipoh ke Bukit Jalil dan tak lama lagi PR negara Jiran!!
2. Ahmad Shaiful Bin Abd Azis 85.50 – Dagu!!!Daguman!!
3. Norhazmie Bin Janis 80.63 – Gangster Rider!!!Sytlo Milo dari JB
Abdul Shukor Sulaiman 79.50 – Pak Kok(Tak terbakaq kulit langsung dan
begitu rapat dengan buaya-buaya di Taman Buaya)
5. Ahmad Faiz
Mohamed 74.38 – Faiz Kelantan(Mmg hebat,Hendlebar lagi besaq dari tuan
tapi riding yg amat stylo dan progressive!!)
6. Fadli Kamal 72.50 –
Patam(Terima kasih kepada Botak SP,Abg Rizal dan Daguman kerana
meminjamkan beskal masa comp)
7. Abd Jalil Abd Rahim 70.63 – Senyuman yg manis bagaikan Buaya yg happy di Taman Buaya kegemaran Pak kok!!
Fendy Fazli 64.88 – Rider serba putih yg begitu style skali.Berjaya
mengalahkan Bo’an kali ini!!
9. Syed Mohd Rizal 61.63 – Syed Mongoose Al-Buaya
10. Mohd Afiq Osman 59.63 – Apit Seremban Strowler
11. Mohd Syafiq Abd Wahid 59.00 – Shafiq Johor Comey
12.Zulhafiz Shamsuri 56.38 – Study Di Batang Berjuntai
13. Shahril Wizam Kaharudin 50.00 – Shadut yg bakal mendirikan rumahtangga!!
13. Ahmad Nurfairuz Fawdzan 50.00 – Bo’an – Tension pasai riding spot turun bukit!!
Comp yg begitu fun bersertakan lawatan Pak Kok ke Taman Buaya sampai lupa mau ambik hadiah!!
Photos by Razak Latif
Revolution issue #101 out now!!!
i just receive the new revolution issue #101 today, still hot from the printing factory. hopefully its gonna be on your nearest bookstore/newsstand by next week.
What you will dig from this issue??
Amy Hellboy’s interview (street/park)
Pak Koq’s interview (flatland)
Nike 6.0 review
Devise Clothing review
Boy Sarawak photo doing can-can footjam for Caspia Footwear promo
Shafeeq’s bike check
Ariff Shah Alam teaching you how to bunnyhop
Mat Dagu doing dumptruck on the kaleidoscope section.
and last but not least, KAYUHBMX advertisement. i know u like it.
check it out.
YSB skatepark promo video made by Sunny
BPR present “stand together” mix video 09
this as a good effort by our local riders to come out with their own video. Im hoping for more and more effort like this. Nice one guys.
Click this link to see the video
District Shop is 100% pure street in the form
of iconic graffiti-based visual and street references. It’s a retail
shop where you can get graffiti supply, street stuff, BMX parts,
skateboard stuff, design studio, custom decal/sticker, local goodness
from t-shirts, shoes, limited edition vinyl toys, bags, as well as
other dopest miscellaneous items.
Currently they are bringing BMX stuffs like Shadow Conspiracy, Subrosa, Kink Bike and United Bike.
More parts to come.
There is a problem registering in kayuhbmx’s forum before this. We are fixing it now.
Our forum got a new template. Hope u like it. And the chat section havent ready yet.
Sorry for any problem and inconveniences that occur.
I hope that u can gladly surfing kayuhbmx in the future.