South East Asia Youth Action Sport Games 2012 is the biggest action games competition in Indonesia for the year 2012. Kayuhbmx family have been invited by the Asosiasi BMX Indonesia to be part of the event, to support and compete in the competition. Congratulation to all the winners! We had a great time in Indonesia with all the friends, foods, places and events. We looking forward to come again and have fun with all the friends there.
Thanks to Asosiasi BMX Indonesia, FORMI, MENPORA, Danil Gunawan, Firman, Angga, Kirly, Pak Faisal, Pak Is, Waway Brotherkids, Moonthink Wimcycle, Galih, Fuji AffaCompany, Intan, Shinta, Andi Ridecore, Batax Levelbike, Iffan Wimcycle, Pak Joko Wimcycle, Pak Munali, Tasya, Heru and everybody in Indonesia. Kayuhbmx love Indonesia!
Congratz to Sunny, Shami and Botak Kuantan for winning the competition.
We will try our best to make the SEA YASG happen in Malaysia next year! Wish us luck!
*Video coming soon*