In conjunction with Bulan Sukan Negara this October month, we gonna have a competition at PCP Skatepark known as PCP Adrenaline Fest 2019 this coming 13th October.
This time we will have a BMX Park competition Open & Beginner category and BMX Flatland competition Open & Beginner category.
Schedule : we will start BMX Park Beginner & Open category after skateboard beginner finish. So we expect to start around 12pm. BMX Flatland will be on the independent area so we can start anytime after 2pm. You can register at the event place anytime before the competition start.
Prizes :
Open Category
1st place : RM500 + Medal
2nd place : RM400 + Medal
3rd : RM300 + Medal
Beginner Category
1st place : Medal
2nd place : Medal
3rd : Medal
-Free registration-