Haro Malaysia Tour video

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The wait is over! Haro Malaysia Tour video is out!! Watch how Dennis Enarson, Tyler Fernengel, Mike Gray and Matthias Dandois killing the parks and streets in Malaysia. We hope that more and more riders could come over to our country and promote BMX here. #haromalaysiatour


“I’d been to Malaysia back in the early 2000’s. It was one of those trips where I saw three things: the airport, the hotel, and the contest area. I always wanted to go back to explore, and a decade later, the lure of a pro contest in a tropical country in Southeast Asia had me looking into tickets. Now was the chance!

As team manager, I become responsible for a lot of things. I have to design a trip. Who to take? Where to stay? What if it rains the whole time? I see the whole trip unfold in my head a thousand different ways well before we even board the plane. I have to do a lot of research before I purchase those tickets…I can’t have this trip fail, and heading to a place that no riders really visit is pretty risky. But, at least the event would take up most the time anyway…

First dudes on the trip were Mike Gray and Tyler Fernengel. They both joined the Haro team earlier in the year and it was their turn to hit the road. And as a bonus, they are young and inexperienced travelers that I hoped to introduce some culture to and give them a trip to remember. Matthias Dandois has traveled the entire world over and over again, but I was surprised to hear he had not yet visited Malaysia. Matthias is such a unique rider and he’s a positive guy to be around—he was coming for sure. Finally, Dennis Enarson got the call. We all know Dennis can ride any terrain, but he gets an automatic invite just for being the amazing person he is. We needed a filmer. After picking the crew, only one guy came to mind to join us and that was Christian Rigal. It’s invaluable to have a filmer the crew knows personally. And, the filmer is carrying around a heavy bag all day, filming try after try for sometimes hours, missing meals, getting dehydrated, and while we all enjoy the sunset, the filmer is usually getting a time lapse shot in and then has to stay up late logging footage. They are long days on the road and I knew Christian could handle the job as well as have a good time with us.” —Colin Mackay

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Kayuhbmx Jam 2014 in conjunction with Haro Malaysia Tour


Last month we are lucky to have Haro Pro team riders came down to Malaysia. They are Colin Mackay, Dennis Enarson, Tyler Fenergal, Matthias Dandois and Mike Gray. (with them Christian Rigal as the filmer)

So Kayuhbmx take an initiative to make a jam so that local riders can have a meet and greet session with the pro riders.

With a permission from Cikgu (a person that handle Shah Alam Extreme Park) we made a very simple jam at Shah Alam skatepark, a place that have the most local BMX riders and easy for everybody to come. Thanks a lot Cikgu for giving us a place to make this jam.

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The jam turns out was great, a lot of riders came down to meet these Haro pro riders, weather was good (almost rain but it didn’t) and everybody was very happy to see those pro riders riding.

We made a very simple games at the flatland area, lead by Mat Dagu & Matthias Dandois and also a simple best trick competition at the park area judge by Sunny & Mike Gray.

We finished the jam by autograph session, photo session and product toss session.shahrul reezwan-51


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It was a day for everybody to remember, another history for BMX scene in Malaysia. Thanks a lot to Haro team (especially to Colin Mackay) for bringing the team all over to Malaysia and putting Malaysia on the world BMX map. We really hope that we can see your guys again next time. And we cant wait for the tour video to come out online. Also thanks to Redbull Malaysia and Vans Malaysia for supporting us to make the jam happen.


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photo by Rusydi Akmal

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