Kayuhbmx Jam 2014 in conjunction with Haro Malaysia Tour


Last month we are lucky to have Haro Pro team riders came down to Malaysia. They are Colin Mackay, Dennis Enarson, Tyler Fenergal, Matthias Dandois and Mike Gray. (with them Christian Rigal as the filmer)

So Kayuhbmx take an initiative to make a jam so that local riders can have a meet and greet session with the pro riders.

With a permission from Cikgu (a person that handle Shah Alam Extreme Park) we made a very simple jam at Shah Alam skatepark, a place that have the most local BMX riders and easy for everybody to come. Thanks a lot Cikgu for giving us a place to make this jam.

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The jam turns out was great, a lot of riders came down to meet these Haro pro riders, weather was good (almost rain but it didn’t) and everybody was very happy to see those pro riders riding.

We made a very simple games at the flatland area, lead by Mat Dagu & Matthias Dandois and also a simple best trick competition at the park area judge by Sunny & Mike Gray.

We finished the jam by autograph session, photo session and product toss session.shahrul reezwan-51


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It was a day for everybody to remember, another history for BMX scene in Malaysia. Thanks a lot to Haro team (especially to Colin Mackay) for bringing the team all over to Malaysia and putting Malaysia on the world BMX map. We really hope that we can see your guys again next time. And we cant wait for the tour video to come out online. Also thanks to Redbull Malaysia and Vans Malaysia for supporting us to make the jam happen.


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photo by Rusydi Akmal

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BMX street competition in Sibu, Sarawak

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comp sibu
Sibu has quite a number of BMX rider riding over there. If you still remember, Shahriman, a gold medalist for BMX Park Junior category in X-Games Malaysia last 10 years, he is from Sibu. He stop riding for a while, and now he is back on track.
Its been a long time we never heard of any event in Sibu, but now we got this BMX competition called “Ti O Pun Maysen”. Not really sure what does that mean, what ever it is we know got BMX competition over there.
So lets support this event and help them this bring up the scene in Sibu.


27 September 2014


Skatepark Sibu Dataran Phase 2

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Karnival Orang Muda YSB 2014 result

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It was a very high adrenalin competition at Karnival Orang Muda YSB 2014. Great riders from Thailand, Indonesia, Philiphine and all over Malaysia came to compete in the competition.

Congratulation to Yayasan Sultanah Bahiyah for organizing this great event every year. Everybody cant wait to go for next year.



BMX Park result

1. Saithan Phetnum (Thailand)

2. Kiattichai Wanitsakul (Thailand)

3. Rungrueang Phamee (Thailand)

4. Ardika Winata (Indonesia)

5. Chokchai Wanitsakul (Thailand)

6. Nentakorn Inkhaksoong (Thailand)

7. Moonthink Bilga (Indonesia)

8. Raja Ahmad Ashami (Malaysia)

9. Zafrin Shah (Malaysia)

10. Hafizi Suhaimi (Malaysia)


BMX Flatland result

1. Shintaro Misawa (Malaysia)

2. Pakphum Poosa-Art (Thailand)

3. Taslem Raziff (Malaysia)

4. Renz Viaje (Philipine)

5. Wasan Suesat (Thailand)

6. Worawee Srivichai (Thailand)

7.  Hafiz (Malaysia)

8. Heru Anwari (Indonesia)

9. Mohammad Izwan Roslan (Malaysia)

10. Nurhazme b Janis (Malaysia)


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Kayuhbmx Jam got reviewed by Redbull Malaysia

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Kayuhbmx Jam in conjunction with Haro Malaysia Tour happening in Shah Alam Extreme Park last month got reviewed by Redbull Malaysia in their website (www.redbull.my) .

Its good that Redbull had open their eyes to Malaysia BMX scene. Lets hope for better and brighter future of our beloved BMX scene.

read the review here


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Ipoh Youth presents WEEKEND AT THE PARK

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Its been years we don’t have a good event in Ipoh, Perak. But this time its gonna be massive!

Let support this event made by Perak community that really want to bring up the scene in Perak.

Set your date, this 27th September 2014 at Ipoh, Perak. Got a lot of performance by our local artist, art event, charity and many more! Its going to be a great event.



p/s: Its a free entry event, you dont have to pay RM30 to just enter a normal competition and just get a tshirt that promote themselves.


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Matthias & Tyler talk about Malaysia – By RedbullMy

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Last week, Malaysia has been visited by Haro Team, they got Matthias Dandois & Tyler Fernengel who is riding for Redbull in the team. So RedbullMy has made an interview with them while they are here.

Read the Interview here



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