ROTM – Shaszwan

Name: Muhammad Shaszwan bin Rashidi
Nickname: Panggil Wan je
Age: 21 tahun..
Years Of Riding: Dh ride 3 tahun lebih mcm tu
Hometown: Memang asal K.L
Sponsor: Sponsor ? Hahah..




Kita mulakan dengan soalan yang paling susah…… hurrmmm… apa khabar?
Soalan yang susah dijawab dgn mudah..sihat Alhamdulillah..hehehe


Apa yang membuatkan kau start riding BMX?
Apa yang membuat kn aku riding ialah kwn2 area rumah aku dulu ajak..sebab kitorang ada jalan2 dkt dalam lepas tu lalu dkt kdai UGP..ternampak video BMX..time tu kitorang teruja gila dgn BMX ni lepas tu ramai2 buat keputusan utk riding..dh lama2 semua gone..tinggal aku sorang je..hahahahah..


Ko suke ride Park or Street? Kenapa?
Kalau aku suka ride dua dua kot..sebab park atau street ada best dia..tapi bagi aku utk baru2 nk riding nie kena ride skatepark dulu..bagi belajar flow obstacle baru laa ke street..baru boleh apply trick yg kita belajar tu dkt street


Biasanya ko ride kat mana?
Kalau dulu ride skatepark selalunya dkt park Kpg aku tu skatepark paling best..tapi sayang skrg dh skrg dkt ride dkt skatepark M.K je laa..kalau street area K.L




Ko antara geng rider yang ride kat tengah kota Kuala Lumpur. Bagi kau perlu ke ada skatepark kat tengah area KL tu?
Bagi aku perlu ! Baru best..buat mcm skateplaza..serious best gila ride dkt skatepark yg dkt tgh2 bndr..contoh mcm dkt Thailand..buat bwh flyover je..tak payah fikir bumbung dh..kalau mlm suluh spotlight..settle..ura-ura mengatakn nnti ada skatepark nk buat dkt area K.L..bwh flyover jugak..tapi taktau laa..harap2 menjadi


Biasanya berapa ramai rider ride street kat area KL tu eh?
Biasanya ramai jugak..nk dkt 10 org jugak laaa kalau ada yg tak busy..contoh2 slalu ada Ajijol Akim,AleongAby Ruslan n penasihat penting,Abg Azlan Aziz..hehehehehe


Dengar cite ko dah sibuk kerja sekarang, kurang sikit riding. Betul ke?
Memang busy sekarang..sekarang dh keje nie weekend je laaa yg boleh aku harap utk ride..mcm dulu tak kisah bila..bedal je..yg penting ride..walaupun kena kayuh jauh..sekarang nk kayuh jauh pun dh pancit




Ada apa-apa plan untuk karier BMX anda tahun 2015 ni?
Untuk plan dalam aku ride skrg nie takda lagi kot..sebab dh keje sekarang..cuma bila dpt ride,push sehabis baik jelaaa


Bagi pendapat kau, boleh ke hidup dengan hanya main BMX ni kat Malaysia ni?
Boleh kot tp tak sehebat mcm dkt luar laa..tapi tgk orang jugakkan..mcm aku nie macam tak boleh je..nk menang comp pun susah ape ntah nk hidup dgn usaha aku ride..hehehe


Style ke trick yang penting?
Dua dua penting sebab kalau focus trick je nnti sketchy..kena ada lenggok n style riding jugak sebenarnya..


Kalau ada rider-rider baru nak start ride kat area town KL ni, kat mana diorang boleh belajar main?
Kalau ada budak2 yg baru nk main n nk belajar ride dkt mana area street K.L nie,aku rasa ampang park kot..sbb flatground dia pun okay kn..ada stair kecik..boleh blajar drop kan..ledge pun rumput kecik pun ada..okay laa utk baru blajar..




Top 3 BMX videos?
1.Cult-Talk is Cheap
2.Deadline Full Video
3.Markit Full Video


Top 3 movies?
2.Pearl Harbor
3.Full Throttle


Top 3 riding spot?
1.Ampang Park Station
2.Skatepark Mont Kiara
3.Skatepark Arena PJ


Top 3 BMX brand?
3.Odyssey/GSport Wheel




OK, any last words?
Okay utk last kata aku harap sukan BMX dekat Malaysia nie makin berkembang n budak2 yg baru nk main tu jangan ride sbb trendy je..ride sebab minat..baru boleh pegi jauh pada masa akan datang..jangan jadi hipster basikal..n kalau budak2 yg baru nk main jugak agk2 susah nk cari brg Bmx nie..cari larh TheCurb..mcm2 part Bmx ada..dkt Fb pun boleh cari..nk senang dtg kedai..tgk brg dpn2 lagi puas hati..dkt TTDI..senang je cari..hehehe..itu sahaja dari saya n last terima kasih buat Ewan Kayuh BMX yg sudi nk interview aku..macehh Wawan..hehehe



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LXG Alor Star (1st Circuit)



Live Extreme Games (LXG) is happening at YSB Skatepark Alor Setar, Kedah this weekend for their first circuit. And bear in mind, this competition is only open for Malaysian only. The international competition that offer big cash prize will be held in Langkawi by end of this year.


So what are you waiting for? Get ready now for one of the biggest extreme sport competition in Malaysia tis year! Next stop will be Kuantan, Johor Bharu and Putrajaya before their final and international competition that will be happening in Langkawi by the end of November. You need collect points in each stop in order for you to be invited to Langkawi. Top 10 ranking will be selected. So it means that you will get highest chance to be selected if you go to all of the LXG stop. Besides that, you can also collect Twenty Inch Cup points in each stop.


Live Extreme Games Alor Setar

20 August (registration) 21-22 (competition) August 2015

YSB Skatepark, Jalan Suka Menanti, Alor Setar, Kedah.

Category BMX Park & BMX Flatland

Prizes :

1st RM3000

2nd RM1500

3rd RM1000

4th – 10th RM200


(prefered venue, select Alor Setar)


and the most important is. REGISTRATION IS FREE!

So be there!!!


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Few of malaysian bmx riders take apart at the event. It is a good event and it will happen 2 times a month starting from this month. We hope more bmx riders will come and join it. 




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Basikal Kita Crew at Kilang Bateri


Basikal Kita crew made a jam at Kilang Bateri last week which gather a lot of riders from Johor Bharu to ride together. Kilang Bateri is a creative hub and collective space for every creative people to do their stuff at a nice and cool place. Kilang Bateri are divided in three sectors which are NU Space of Market Sector, Warehouse Sector and Creative Se.






















Its good to see great place like this. Congratulation JOHO for making this happen. We wish to see more places like this in the future.


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Basikal Kita Edit


The bmx scene in Malaysia is not huge but it is growing steadily, with bunch of new faces/riders, competitions, sponsors and many more factors we’ve seen a lot excitement. The society are getting the picture about what is bmx and extreme sports, kids are getting the exposure, and the riders are always pumped-up. Here’s one of an example, BasikalKita is a bmx group that has been running and shredding since 2010. They come from the Southern part of Malaysia, Johor and these guys can really shred when it comes to street riding.

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