Happy 53th Birthday Malaysia!

Happy 53th Birthday Malaysia!
Happy 53th Birthday Malaysia!
Hello Guys!!!
District New Shop Launching is just this Saturday!!! dont forget to come over ya!!!
Here i attach the map
Inviting everybody to come to District Shop & Gallery re-launch this 24th July.
Kejohanan BMX Nasional is happening this weekend at Mont Kiara skatepark!!!
dont forget to be there!!!
12 June 2010
Mont Kiara Skatepark
BMX Flatland Open
BMX Park
1st place: RM500 + Product
2nd place: RM300 + Product
place: RM200 + Product
Organizer: Persatuan Sukan Ekstrem
Selangor (PSES)
SeeK Clothing now available at District Shop & Gallery
go get them now!
Urban Art Design
145 – 1 Jalan Imbi
Kuala Lumpur
View District Shop & Gallery in a larger map
1 AUS Vince Byron 95.00
2 USA Kevin Robinson 91.00
3 USA Austin Coleman 86.00
4 USA Morgan Wade 86.00
5 USA Anthony Napolitan 82.00
6 CHI Coco Zurita 69.00
7 USA Ben Snowden 67.00
8 GBR Simon Tabron 53.00
9 IRL Jason Phelan 50.00
10 MAS Zafrin Shah 43.00
This is what fatbmx quote about Botaxxx
“Zafrin Shah was the first rider up. He was more of a gap jumper
than a quarterpipe rider but having a guy from Asia in the mix was a
good thing.”
-results and photos taken from fatbmx
Final Results Street comp Kia X-Games Shanghai:
1. Dennis Enarson USA 88.67
2. Garrett Reynolds USA 86.67
3. Jason Phelan IRL 82.33
4. Kyle Baldock AUS 82.00
5. Chris O’Donnell AUS 79.67
6. Kym Grosser AUS 73.33
7. Kiattichai Wanitsakul THA 71.67
8. Brian Kachinsky USA 69.33
9. Morgan Wade USA 68.33
10. Ben Snowden USA 63.67
11. Rungrueng Phamee THA 56.00
12. Zhang Zhiyong CHN 50.00
13. Shoji Tanaka JPN 43.00
14. Alex Kennedy GBR 42.67
15. Shen Jian CHN 35.00
16. Li Yun TPE 34.33
17 Wen Qiang CHN 32.00
18. Low Chi Sang SIN 28.00
19. Ting Chun Ho HKG 26.67
20. Chanwit Kaeosanenai THA 25.33
21. Yugo Ito JPN 25.00
22. Kim Boo-Sung KOR 24.67
23. Raja Ahmad Ashahmi MAS 24.33
24. Li Haoran CHN 19.33
Note: Only Shami’s name on the result.. I wonder where is Botaxxx…
photos and result taken from fatbmx
SEEK Clothing.
Coming Real Soon.
Made for the people who love to ride.
Map to Extreme Games in conjunction with Hari Belia Negara 2010
come and have fun together