Team Haro are coming to Malaysia soon!

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shahrul reezwan


Its a good news for BMX riders in Malaysia, BMX Team Haro are coming down to Malaysia by end of this month.Actually they are coming for FISE that supposed to happen on early September, but since it has been postponed by last minute, they are still coming for a trip. Making videos and such.

Riders that are coming are Colin Mackay, Dennis Enarson, Mike Gray, Tyler Fernengel, Matthias Dandois and the filmer, Christian Rigal.

We will keep you guys updated. Keep on watching this space.

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Having a good time with riders is the most important thing in riding beside getting new tricks and winning competition.

From this Agun BMX Stadium Jam, we can see that they are really having fun at the jam.

This is what we want to see in our BMX scene, enjoy riding – this create a positive vibes in our BMX scene.

Congrats Sarawak riders. We hope to see another good activity next time.



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This time we come out with a simple a simple tshirt design but have something that we hope can motivate riders. We use “unite & stand” theme because that we want all riders, especially BMX riders to unite as one and stand on our right.

Nowadays, we can see some ‘new people’ tried to enter our beloved BMX industries because they realize that they can make ‘money’ out of our BMX scene/industries since Malaysian BMX scene/industries is getting bigger and better.

We hope that riders can see the differences of people who really passionate about our BMX scene, and those people who just suddenly came in just to make profit here.

Sooner or later you will know who they are. These people also tried to split some riders, without you noticing it.

That’s why we need to UNITE as one, and STAND against those people want to take advantage out of our BMX scene.

Kayuhbmx will be with whoever that sincerely want to support our BMX scene. No matter who you are.

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Adidas All In 24

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Adidas is having a 24 hours event this coming June called as Adidas All24 that will consist most of the passion that Adidas do support such as BMX Stunt, BMX Flatland, Skateboard, Breakdance, Graffiti, football, basketball and fashion.. There also will be a party and a lot more excitement that you cant be missed!
Check their website for more info-

Will be happening this coming 4th of June 2011 at Bukit Kiara Skatepark, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Starting at 9pm on 4th June 2011 (Saturday) and will end at 9pm on 5th June 2011 (Sunday).
24 hours of fun and excitement.

Be there or be scare!

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