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This time we come out with a simple a simple tshirt design but have something that we hope can motivate riders. We use “unite & stand” theme because that we want all riders, especially BMX riders to unite as one and stand on our right.

Nowadays, we can see some ‘new people’ tried to enter our beloved BMX industries because they realize that they can make ‘money’ out of our BMX scene/industries since Malaysian BMX scene/industries is getting bigger and better.

We hope that riders can see the differences of people who really passionate about our BMX scene, and those people who just suddenly came in just to make profit here.

Sooner or later you will know who they are. These people also tried to split some riders, without you noticing it.

That’s why we need to UNITE as one, and STAND against those people want to take advantage out of our BMX scene.

Kayuhbmx will be with whoever that sincerely want to support our BMX scene. No matter who you are.

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