Who Do It Better?

WhoDoItBetter from kayuhbmx on Vimeo.
This is what I’ve done the past 1 month… shooting and editing my video project to promote BMX, B-boy and Graffiti. Enjoy.
WhoDoItBetter from kayuhbmx on Vimeo.
This is what I’ve done the past 1 month… shooting and editing my video project to promote BMX, B-boy and Graffiti. Enjoy.
Untitled from kayuhbmx on Vimeo.
This just a teaser of a video that me with other friends that in the progress of doing it.
A very simple video editing because Im still learning.
I plan to make a video that has a mix of Malaysian BMX, graffiti and b-boy. This is my first project of making video. More coming soon.
Kyle & Logan Training for Olympics Doubles (GOLD MEDAL) ?? from Ryan Guettler on Vimeo.
Watch the video.. and you can see how insane the level of Australian riders are. Its Kyle & Logan Baldock.
They are not so popular in the ‘mainstream’ of BMX world scene but you can see yourself how fantastic they are… Malaysian riders seems like wayyy behind their level. Whatever it is, make this as something that can motivate yourself.
Where can i buy a good bmx bike?
Where should i start?
Am i too old to ride a bmx?
I’m a girl… can i ride a BMX?
and a lot more question will be there in your mind if you still new in the BMX scene.
dont worry, District Shop can help you.
Come over to District Shop at Jalan Imbi, Bukit Bintang and we are very pleased to help you.
Contact me at my email, shahrulreezwan@yahoo.com
or my phone 012-6841441
or my Facebook, www.facebook.com/sharulrezwan
Dont worry, you are not alone to start riding.
Just wanna share some stories…
Since there are not many BMX related shoe company around, I would like to share with your guys this not really a new brand, but it seems not really popular here in Malaysia. Almond Footwear.
Put aside the quality matters, I’ve been attracted by the brand image and the shoe design. even the team riders for this company is not as big as Garret, Enarson or Guettler, but all the riders have their own attitude and style of riding that really impress me.
Here some info about Almond Footwear.
“Almond Footwear™ is a multi-disciplinary footwear brand that is
dedicated to producing quality footwear and encompassing passionate
forward thinking design.
We pride ourselves on our exceptional attention to detail, and a
unique process we bring to each and every one of our models. Our
foundations lie firmly rooted in BMX, and we have always been
enthusiastic about fashion and grass roots design, I guess you could say
that Almond almost effortlessly became an amalgamation of all those
inspirations. Our goal is to forge a legacy of innovative thinking, to
develop new ideas and reach new stages in shoe design for BMX’ers and
everyday people through our own authentic style.” – Almond Footwear
Like this shoe? email me at shahrulreezwan@yahoo.com if you want it. I can try to help you.
Can you see a very sexy photo of Botaxxx wearing Pull-In there?
This photo i took for Pull-In was featured in a Singapore’s magazine called 8 Days.
He was interviewed by that magazine to be featured in the ‘shirtless guy of the week’ section. LOL.
This is our 52nd anniversary.
Kayuhbmx wish that our beloved BMX scene can grow bigger and better in the future.