Cenderawasih : Anto Leysa video part

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Cendrawasih | Anto Leysa 2023

The journey of Anto leysa in battling the street spot across Malaysia.

The journey of Anto Leysa and his challenges in the making of Cenderawasih video part. To fulfill his dreams, Anto Leysa has committed himself against any risks and he is not turning back. Stepping out of his comfort zones, his physical and mental strength were tested throughout Malaysian street spots. “Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving” Albert Einstein This video is dedicated to Anto’s family, friends and all BMX riders.

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BANGKIT: Anto Leysa

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“Named Anto Leysa, a very technical rider from Indonesia. He came all the from indonesia to join a few contest in Malaysia past the weekends.

This guy been killing all the local street spot in Kuala Lumpur like a beast.

Thanks to all party whom involved to make this project happened.” – Ammar Shukri

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